General Education Courses

General Education Courses

Have credits from another college? 

Find out if your previous General Education credits from other Wisconsin technical colleges will transfer to Northwood Tech. Acceptable transfer courses will receive credit toward your degree requirements. 

Acceptable Transfer Courses



| 3 CR
This course is designed for learners to develop knowledge and skills in all aspects of the writing process. Planning, organizing, writing, editing and revising are applied through a variety of activities. Students will analyze audience and purpose, use elements of research, and format documents using standard guidelines. Individuals will develop critical reading skills through analysis of various written documents. . This course focuses on writing-intensive practices and meets expectations of High Impact Practice courses. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 3 CR
Focuses on developing effective listening techniques and verbal and nonverbal communication skills through oral presentation, group activity, and other projects. The study of self, conflict, and cultural contexts will be explored, as well as their impact on communication. This course focuses on writing-intensive practices and meets expectations of High Impact Practice courses. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 3 CR
Prepare and present written, oral, and visual communication products, including instructions, proposals, informal and formal reports. Produce clear, usable communication by incorporating information design principles, arranging content to satisfy diverse audience needs, and presenting visuals for various contexts. Designed as an advanced course to develop collaborative communication practices, information literacy skills, and ethically responsible professional communication strategies. This course focuses on writing-intensive practices and meets expectations of High Impact Practice courses. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 3 CR
Explores the fundamentals of effective oral presentation to small and large groups. Topic selection, audience analysis, methods of organization, research, supporting evidence, delivery techniques, active listening, and other essential elements of speaking successfully, form the basis of the course. Includes informative, persuasive, and occasion speech presentations. Audience requirements to be determined by individual colleges. This course focuses on writing-intensive practices and meets expectations of High Impact Practice courses. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 2 CR
This basic communication course focuses on effective listening, speaking, reading, and writing in life and at work. Students demonstrate their skills both individually and in groups. Students also produce such employment documents as a cover letter, a resume, and a preliminary job portfolio.
| 2 CR
This course focuses on building effective professional and personal communication skills. Students will practice, prepare, and deliver program-specific written documents, presentations, and interpersonal communication scenarios for diverse audiences. The course also examines the importance of community and engagement, and includes best practices in Computer-Mediated Communication. PREREQUISITE: 32801361 Applied Communications


| 3 CR
This course is designed to review and develop fundamental concepts of mathematics in the areas of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, measurement and data. Special emphasis is placed on problem solving, critical thinking and logical reasoning, making connections, and using calculators.
| 3 CR
Topics include: solving linear equations, graphing, percent, proportions, measurement systems, computational geometry, and right triangle trigonometry. Emphasis will be on the application of skills to technical problems. Successful completion of College Technical Mathematics 1A and College Technical Mathematics 1B is the equivalent of College Technical Mathematics 1.
| 2 CR
This course is a continuation of College Technical Mathematics 1A. Topics include: performing operations on polynomials, solving quadratic and rational equations, formula rearrangement, solving systems of equations, and oblique triangle trigonometry. Emphasis will be on the application of skills to technical problems. Successful completion of or concurrent enrollment in College Technical Mathematics 1A is required for course enrollment. Successful completion of College Technical Mathematics 1A and College Technical Mathematics 1B is the equivalent of College Technical Mathematics 1. COREQUISITE: 10804113 College Technical Mathematics 1A.
| 4 CR
This course offers algebra content with applications. Topics include properties of real numbers, order of operations, algebraic solution for linear equations and inequalities, operations with polynomial and rational expressions, operations with rational exponents and radicals, algebra of inverse, logarithmic and exponential functions. PREREQUISITE: 10834109 Pre-Algebra, 10804114 College Technical Mathematics 1B, any associate degree or college parallel level WTCS mathematics course, or additional measures may be considered as determined by the counselor.
| 3 CR
This course integrates algebraic concepts, proportions, percents, simple interest, compound interest, annuities, and basic statistics with business/consumer scenarios. It also applies math concepts to the purchasing/buying and selling processes. Emphasis is placed on the use of complex formulas for sinking funds and for present/future value and payments in both the accumulation and distribution phases of an annuity as well as to the development of formulas for business scenarios such as finding effective interest rates and finding the proceeds of a third-party discount.
| 3 CR
Students will apply mathematical problem solving techniques. Topics will include symbolic logic, sets, algebra, Boolean algebra, and number bases.
| 2 CR
Following an arithmetic review, this course emphasizes those mathematical skills necessary for success in the nursing field and related health occupations. Emphasis will be placed on computational skills and applications of rational numbers; problem solving skills with ratios, proportions, and percents; basic principles and application of algebra, graphing, and statistics; measurement skills in U.S. Customary and Metric systems as well as apothecary and household systems; and the use of calculators as a tool.
| 3 CR
Students taking Introductory Statistics display data with graphs, describe distributions with numbers, perform correlation and regression analyses, and design experiments. They use probability and distributions to make predictions, estimate parameters, and test hypotheses. They draw inferences about relationships including ANOVA. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA). Recommended Prerequisite: Introductory computer skills to include spreadsheets. PREREQUISITES: 10834109 Pre-Algebra, any associate degree or college parallel level WTCS mathematics course, or additional measures may be considered as determined by the counselor.
| 3 CR
Topics include the unit circle, trigonometric functions, graphs, identities, equations, inverse functions, solutions of triangles, complex numbers, polar coordinates, and vectors. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment. PREREQUISITE: 10804118 Intermediate Algebra with Applications NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 4 CR
Algebraic concepts, techniques, and applications are studied with topics including the complex number system, functions and graphs (polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic), systems of equations, properties of matrices, and binomial theorem. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment. PREREQUISITES: 10804118 Intermediate Algebra with Applications, any associate degree or college parallel level WTCS mathematics course, or additional measures may be considered as determined by the counselor.
| 2 CR
This course covers practical applications of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percent, proportion, and formula evaluation. The course also includes measurement, U.S. and metric systems of measurement, and basic geometry.
| 2 CR
This course is a continuation of Applied Math. A more thorough coverage of solving equations and rearranging formulas with special applications to formulas used in the mechanical technician programs. Other topics include a study of solid geometry and direct and inverse proportions for work with hydraulics and transmission studies. The course is team-taught with the core instructor and direct application of math skills taught will be assessed in the math class and during time spent with the core instructor. PREREQUISITE: 32804303 Applied Math.
| 3 CR
This technical diploma course begins with a short review of basic arithmetic skills and continues with the application of these skills. Problem solving involving fractional and decimal dimensions is emphasized. The course also includes introductory algebra with emphasis on utilization of formulas including work with signed numbers. First-degree equation solution is also emphasized.
| 2 CR
This technical diploma course is a continuation of Applied Technical Math 1 . Topics covered include the basic geometry of plane and solid figures, right-triangle trigonometry, oblique-triangle trigonometry, and applications of these topics to trade and industry programs. PREREQUISITE: 32804325 Applied Technical Math 1.
| 3 CR
This technical diploma course is a continuation of Applied Technical Math 1. Topics covered include the basic geometry of plane and solid figures, right-triangle trigonometry, oblique-triangle trigonometry, and applications of these topics to trade and technical programs. Additional topics covered in this course are program specific. These topics include applications to machine shop formulas, Cartesian coordinates, point-to-point programming, land-surveying mathematics, and framing-square calculations. PREREQUISITE: 32804325 Applied Technical Math 1.


| 4 CR
Introductory course focused on general biological principles, cell structure and function, genetics, organ system anatomy and physiology, behavior, evolution, and ecology. May include dissection of fresh and/or preserved materials. (This course is a prerequisite to Microbiology) PREREQUISITE: Admission to Veterinary Technician plan.
| 3 CR
Prepares the student to develop sustainable literacy, analyze the interconnections among the physical and biological sciences and environmental systems, summarize the effects of sustainability on health and well-being, analyze connections among social, economic, and environmental systems, employ energy conservation strategies to reduce the use of fossil fuels, investigate alternative energy options, evaluate options to current waste disposal and recycling in the U.S., and analyze approaches used by your community to promote and implement sustainability. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment.
| 4 CR
Introduces general biological concepts and principles. Emphasis is on cell structure and function, genetics, evolution, and taxonomical relationships. Consideration is also given to diversity among the various kingdoms. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 4 CR
Covers the fundamentals of chemistry. Topics include the metric system, problem solving, periodic relationships, chemical reactions, chemical equilibrium, properties of water; acids, bases, and salts; and gas laws. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 1 CR
This is a combined lecture/laboratory course for those entering health occupations programs. You will study chemical bonds and the solution process; chemical reactions and chemical equilibria; and acids and bases. You will participate in labs where appropriate. No previous background in chemistry is required. Good math skills are helpful.
| 3 CR
This introductory course in pathophysiology covers topics related to alterations of homeostasis and the associated pathophysiological processes. Course studies include the processes involved that generate illness; signs and symptoms of commonly occurring illness states; and effects of disease processes on the cell. Review of normal homeostatic mechanisms is included. Study of these fundamental processes in relation to the pathophysiological processes can enable the students to apply this knowledge to clinical situations. PREREQUISITES: 10806179 Advanced Anatomy and Physiology and 10806197 Microbiology.
| 4 CR
Examines basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology as they relate to health sciences. Using a body systems approach, the course emphasizes the interrelationships between structure and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization of the entire human body. It is intended to prepare health care professionals who need to apply basic concepts of whole body anatomy and physiology to informed decision-making and professional communication with colleagues and patients. This course includes a one-credit lab component that supports the course objectives. (This course also provides the foundation, and is prerequisite to, Advanced Anatomy and Physiology.) NOTE: Successful completion of a chemistry course within the last five years is highly recommended.
| 4 CR
Advanced Anatomy and Physiology is the second semester in a two-semester sequence in which normal human anatomy and physiology are studied using a body systems approach with emphasis on the interrelationships between form and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization. Instructional delivery within a classroom and laboratory setting. Experimentation within a science lab will include analysis of cellular metabolism, the individual components of body systems such as the nervous, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and urinary. Continued examination of homeostatic mechanisms and their relationship to fluid, electrolyte, acid-base balance and blood. Integration of genetics to human reproduction and development are also included in this course. PREREQUISITE: 10806177 General Anatomy and Physiology, preferably within the last five years.
| 4 CR
Examines microbial structure, metabolism, genetics, growth and the relationship between humans and microbes. Addresses disease production, epidemiology, host defense mechanisms and the medical impact of microbes. Presents the role of microbes in the environment, industry, and biotechnology. This course includes a one-credit lab component that supports the course objectives. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment. PREREQUISITE: 10806177 General Anatomy and Physiology, preferably within the last five years or 10806105 Principles of Animal Biology. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 4 CR
This is an introductory course that emphasizes the structure of the human body and the functional interrelationships of the body's systems. Consideration is given to the human body and disease, human genetics, human ecology, and the role that humans play in the environment. The course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 2 hours of lab per week. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment. Note: This course does not meet requirements for or substitute for General Anatomy and Physiology or Anatomy & Physiology I and II.

Social Science

| 3 CR
Introduces American political processes and Institutions. Focuses on rights and responsibilities of citizens and the process of participatory democracy. Learners examine the complexity of the separation of powers and checks and balances. Explores the role of the media, interest groups, political parties and public opinion in the political process. Also explores the role of state and national government in our federal system. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA)
| 3 CR
Microeconomics explores individual decision making. The course focuses on how consumers, producers, and policy impact market outcomes; and how market factors influence consumer choices, producer decisions, and policy actions. Topics include economic decision making, consumption, production, elasticity, costs of production, market structures, market failures, resource markets, and international trade. The goal of this course is to improve personal, professional, and social decision making; better understand consumer and producer behavior; and analyze the impacts of government policy on market outcomes. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment.
| 3 CR
Macroeconomics explores the economy as a whole. This course focuses on how the aggregate economy impacts individuals, businesses, and policies; and how individuals, businesses, and policies can in turn impact the aggregate economy. Topics include alternate economic systems, aggregate behavior, macroeconomic indicators, business cycles, fiscal policy, monetary policy, and international trade. The goal of this course is to understand and evaluate current national and international economic issues. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment.
| 3 CR
This course provides a basic understanding of the theoretical foundations of ethical thought. Diverse ethical perspectives will be used to analyze and compare relevant issues. Students will critically evaluate individual, social and professional standards of behavior, and apply a systematic decision-making process to these situations. Students will complete a global awareness project. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 3 CR
This course introduces the study of diversity from a local to a global perspective using a holistic, interdisciplinary approach that encourages exploration and prepares students to work in a diverse environment. The course introduces basic diversity concepts, examines the impact of bias and power differentials among groups, explores the use of culturally responsive communication strategies, and compares forces that shape diversity in an international context. Students will complete a global awareness project. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 3 CR
This course is designed to give an overview of how a market-oriented economic system operates, and it surveys the factors which influence national economic policy. Basic concepts and analyses are illustrated by reference to a variety of contemporary problems and public policy issues. Concepts include scarcity, resources, alternative economic systems, growth, supply and demand, monetary and fiscal policy, inflation, unemployment and global economic issues. Students in this college transfer course will complete a scholarly research/academic assignment. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 3 CR
Introduces students to the fundamental sociological concepts, including sociological perspectives, research methods, the significance of culture in society, and the socialization process. Other topics include deviance, the impact of groups on behavior, societal inequities, global changes, the role of social institutions, and social stratification. Students will complete a global awareness project. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).

Behavioral Science

| 3 CR
The course in Abnormal Psychology surveys the essential features, possible causes, assessments, and treatment of mental health challenges from the viewpoint of the major historical and theoretical perspectives in the field. Students will be introduced to the diagnostic system of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Biological, psychological, and socio-cultural perspectives in understanding and responding to abnormal behavior will be addressed, as well as current topics and issues. Students will complete a global awareness project. PREREQUISITE: 10809198 Introduction to Psychology. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 3 CR
Developmental Psychology is the study of human development throughout the lifespan. This course explores developmental theory and research with an emphasis on the interactive nature of the biological, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that affect the individual from conception to death. Application activities and critical thinking skills will enable students to gain an increased knowledge and understanding of themselves and others. Students will complete a global awareness project. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 3 CR
This science of psychology course is a survey of multiple aspects of behavior and mental processes. It provides an overview of topics such as research methods, theoretical perspectives, learning, cognition, memory, motivation, emotions, personality, abnormal psychology, physiological factors, social influences, and development. Students will complete a global awareness project. NOTE: This course is recognized for general education transfer as part of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System/Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA).
| 2 CR
Improve intrapersonal and interpersonal skills in high demand by employers to enhance life-long learning both professionally and personally. Areas that are highlighted include providing excellent customer service in a diverse workplace, working ethically, improving motivation, applying critical thinking skills, and managing difficult situations.

Prepared Learner

| 3 CR
Provides an introduction to algebra. Includes operations on real numbers, solving linear equations, percent and proportion, and an introduction to graphing, measurement, geometry and statistics. Prepares students for elementary algebra and subsequent algebra related courses. This course cannot be used to meet any General Studies course requirements for graduation in a program.
| 2 CR
Provides learners with opportunities to develop and expand reading skills including comprehension and vocabulary. Learners apply reading skills to academic tasks and read to acquire information from a variety of sources.This course cannot be used to meet any General Studies course requirements for graduation in a program.
| 2 CR
This transitional course prepares students for success in English Composition. Topics include basic principles of composition, including organization, development, unity, and coherence in paragraphs and multi-paragraph documents. This course cannot be used to meet any General Studies course requirements for graduation in a program. COREQUISITE: 10801136 English Composition 1

Basic Education Courses

Various levels of coursework are offered in the following areas:

  • English
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • English Language Learning (ELL)
  • Civics
  • Health
  • Employability Skills
  • GED/HSED Orientation


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