Calling All Trailblazers!
Discover opportunities in nontraditional occupations (NTO). Consider YOUR interests, strengths and values to find the right career to Experience.Success.
What is a nontraditional occupation (NTO)?
A nontraditional career is one in which 25 percent or less of women - or men - are employed in that field. For example, only 14 percent of all working women are employed in nontraditional fields, the majority of which are blue collar or technical fields that do not require a four-year college degree.
Career Planning
Complete this brief, 10-minute survey to find the career clusters that may be a good match for your personality and interests. The quiz ranks which careers you might find most fulfilling based on activities you enjoy, your personal qualities and school subjects you like.
One-on-One Career Exploration
Meet with a Northwood Tech career specialist to discuss your goals. Through the use of a variety of tools and assessments, Northwood Tech will help you better understand your strengths to identify promising career options. Call Northwood Tech and ask to register for the one-on-one career exploration at the campus you'd like to attend.
Career Guidance
Meet with a Northwood Tech counselor to take your career search one step further. You'll complete the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Strong Interest Inventory assessments. The counselor will review the results with you to help you make an informed decision. If you'd like to talk to Northwood Tech about career guidance, contact student services and ask to set up an appointment with a counselor at the campus you'd like to attend.
Explore Nontraditional Careers
Find the Career for You
Northwood Tech staff are available to assist you in:
- Career Exploration
- Counseling
- Finding Additional Resources and more
Call 800.243.9482 to meet with a Counselor
View More Resources
The Occupational Outlook Handbook explains what type of training and education is needed, earnings, expected job prospects, and what workers do on the job for 100’s of occupations.
The U.S. Department of Labor offers access to career opportunities, unemployment rates, and wages by occupation.
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development provides access to JobNet support services, labor market information and a wealth of additional information.
Minnesota Careerwise offers non-traditional career resources, assessments, and national and Minnesota-specific assistance.
Bureau of Labor and Statistics
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provides extensive labor market data on women (and other worker groups) through its news releases, publications, and website. Users have access to data on women's employment, unemployment, and earnings by industry, occupation, education, age, marital status, and other characteristics.
Women in Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement
Women in Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement offers information about women in law enforcement, the impact of women in policing, the positive outcomes of increased diversity, and expert advice on getting started and breaking the brass ceiling.
Closing the Gender Gap is a website that offers tips and resources for women to rise in their careers.
The American Assembly for Men in Nursing
The purpose of the American Assembly for Men in Nursing is to provide a framework for nurses, as a group, to meet, to discuss, and influence factors, which affect men as nurses.