Firefighting & Technical Rescue
Continuing Education
Ashland, New Richmond, Rice Lake, Superior
About our Classes
Take courses to gain state firefighter certifications or to learn or reinforce skills. Classes are offered in convenient locations, often at your fire department! Hands-on skills are the focus, utilizing state-of-the-art simulation equipment to give real-world practice in a safe training environment. Many courses can be adapted to meet the unique needs of your local department. Our Fire Training Managers are experts at developing and customizing training and are eager to partner with you in providing the classes YOU need.
We're Here to Help You!
Our Fire Training Managers, Joe Blank, Dave Haan and Trent Kohel are veterans of the fire service. Each has years of real world experience developing and implementing training for their own departments. They are embedded in the technical college system and can guide you through the state certification process. Michelle Marshall provides support throughout the district and will put you in contact with the Specialist from your area. See her contact information below.
Types of Certification:
Entry Level Courses
Course options include:
Entry level Firefighter Part A (30 hours) and Part B (additional 30 hours) introduces the participant to the basic knowledge and skills necessary to perform firefighting functions under direct supervision. Participants who wish to proceed toward certification as a Level I Firefighter may continue to Firefighter Certification Part C (described later) and to Hazardous Materials Operations.
The targeted audience for the Entry Level Firefighter courses is individuals new to the firefighting field. These courses are designed to provide the information needed to comply with the minimum training requirements as specified in SPS 330.08, Employment Standards, Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services, Chapter SPS 330, Fire Department Safety and Health Standards.
- This training package is designed to cover a compilation of basic firefighting skills. Focus is on hands-on review of the core skills covered in Entry Level and Firefighter I courses. Students and/or departments can work with their Fire Training Specialist to take advantage of some or all of the subjects covered. Offered in 6 hour sessions on Saturdays.
Part 1 (driving): This 12 hour course will introduce the participant to the basic skills necessary to drive a pumper apparatus to and from the emergency scene.
Part 2 (pump operation): This 18 hour course will introduce the participant to the basic skills necessary to perform pumping duties for his/her respective fire department.
The targeted audience for these courses is individuals who expect to be appointed or have recently been appointed to perform Driver/Operator Pumper duties. These courses are designed to provide students with the information to comply with the minimum training requirements as specified in SPS 330.08, Employment Standards, Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services, Chapter SPS 330, Fire Department Safety and Health Standards. These courses must be taken sequentially with completion of Part 1 a prerequisite for enrollment in Part 2.
Northwood Tech offers 8 hour refreshers for both driving and pumping. Maintain your skills with these review sessions.
This 6 hour course will introduce the participant to the basic knowledge and skills necessary to perform fire apparatus driving and aerial operation duties for their fire departments.
The targeted audience for this class is individuals who expect to be or have recently been appointed to perform Driver/Operator Aerial duties. Students will be provided with information to comply with the minimum training requirements as specified in SPS 330.08, Employment Standards, Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services, Chapter SPS 330, Fire Department Safety and Health Standards. Completion of Driver/Operator-Pumper is a pre-requisite.
Certification Courses
Course Options Include:
This 96 hour course prepares the participant to be able to perform firefighting functions at the nationally recognized minimum levels under direct supervision. This course incorporates the 60 hours of course work offered in Entry Level Firefighter Parts A and B. The final 36 hours, Part C fulfills the Firefighter I portion of the certification process.
The targeted audience is individuals who desire to become Wisconsin Certified Fire Fighter I based on the requirements set by SPS 330.08, Employment standards, Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. The participant must also complete the Hazardous Materials Operations level course.
A written and practical skills certification exam is available to participants who successfully complete this course. Upon successful passage of these exams along with the written exam from Hazardous Materials Operations, the participant will receive a State of Wisconsin Fire Fighter I certificate.
This 42-hour course prepares the participant to perform firefighting functions at an advanced nationally recognized level under general supervision.
The targeted audience is individuals who have completed the training required to meet the Fire Fighter I JPRs in NFPA 1001, and desire to increase their knowledge and skills base to the next level.
This course, when taken after completion of the Fire Fighter I and Hazardous Materials Operation Level, is designed to provide the Fire Fighter II candidate with the information needed to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) in NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, Current Edition. Course curriculum is based on the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) Essentials of Fire Fighting, 6th Edition and Jones and Bartlett Fundamentals for Fire Fighter Skills, Third Edition.
A written and practical skills certification exam is available to participants who successfully complete this course. A participant who completes this course and wishes to be certified has two years from the completion of the course to take the exams. Participants who successfully pass the certification exams will receive a State of Wisconsin Certificate with an IFSAC (International Fire Service Accreditation Congress) seal.
This 16-hour course prepares the participant to perform the minimum hazardous material incident operations skills associated with firefighting functions at an advanced nationally recognized level under general supervision. The targeted audience is individuals who have completed, or are in the process of completing, the Fire Fighter I Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) in NFPA 1001 for certification to the Wisconsin Fire Fighter I level. This course is also available to members of the Emergency Medical Services, Law Enforcement, and other industrial employees listed under 29CFR 1910.
This course is designed to provide the Fire Fighter I candidate with the information needed to meet the JPRs in Chapter 5, Core Competencies for Operations Level Responders, Section 6.2, and Section 6.6., Mission-Specific Competencies: Product Control, of NFPA 472. The participant must also take the Fire Fighter I course in order to meet the remainder of the NFPA Fire Fighter I JPRs to prepare for certification to the Fire Fighter I level.
A written exam is available to participants who successfully complete this course. A participant who completes this course and wishes to be certified at the Fire Fighter I must successfully pass the written portion of the Hazardous Materials Operations exam. Participants have two years from the completion of the course to take the exam.
These 33-hour (66 hours total) courses prepare the participant to perform fire apparatus maintenance, driving, positioning, operating/pumping and testing functions at a minimum nationally recognized level.
The targeted audience is individuals who have completed the training required to meet the Fire Fighter I JPRs of NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, Chapter 5, and desire, or are required, to increase their knowledge and skill set to progress to the fire apparatus driver/operator-pumper level.
These courses are designed to provide the Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator-Pumper candidate with the information needed to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, Chapters 4 and 5.A written and practical skills certification exam is available to participants who successfully complete this course. A participant who completes this course and wishes to be certified has two years from the completion of the course to take the exams. Participants who successfully pass the certification exams will receive a State of Wisconsin Certificate with an IFSAC (International Fire Service Accreditation Congress) seal.
This 36-hour course prepares the participant to be able to perform aerial fire apparatus driving, positioning, operating and testing functions at a minimum nationally recognized level. The targeted audience is individuals who have completed the Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator- Pumper course and desire, or are required, to increase their knowledge and skill set to progress to the fire apparatus driver/operator-aerial level.
A written and practical skills certification exam is available to participants who successfully complete this course. A participant who completes this course and wishes to be certified has two years from the completion of the course to take the exams. Participants who successfully pass the certification exams will receive a State of Wisconsin Certificate with an IFSAC (International Fire Service Accreditation Congress) seal.
This course is designed to provide the Driver/Operator-Aerial candidate with the information needed to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, Chapters 4 and 6.
- This 60-hour course prepares the participant to perform fire inspection functions at a minimum nationally recognized level under general supervision. The targeted audience is individuals who expect to be appointed, or have recently been appointed to conduct fire inspections through their fire department or public or private agency.
- This course is designed to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) defined in NFPA 1031- Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner.
- A written and practical skills certification exam is available to participants who successfully complete this course. A participant who completes this course and wishes to be certified has two years from the completion of the course to take the exams. Participants who successfully pass the certification exams will receive a State of Wisconsin Certificate with an IFSAC (International Fire Service Accreditation Congress) seal.
- This 60-hour course prepares the participant to perform fire inspection functions at a minimum nationally recognized level under general supervision. The targeted audience is individuals who expect to be appointed, or have recently been appointed to conduct fire inspections through their fire department or public or private agency.
- This 40-hour course prepares the participant to perform fire instruction duties at a minimum nationally recognized level. (This course was formerly known as Fire Instructor I). This course is designed to provide the Emergency Services Instructor I candidate with the information needed to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications, Chapter 4.A written exam and 30 hours of supervised instruction will complete the certification process for this course. A participant who completes this course and wishes to be certified has two years from the completion of the course to take the exams and fulfill the supervised instruction requirement (30 hours). Participants who successfully pass the certification exams will receive a State of Wisconsin Certificate with an IFSAC (International Fire Service Accreditation Congress) seal which can be accepted by other IFSAC accredited states or entities.
Completion of this course is a pre-requisite for certification to the Fire Officer I level. Fire Officer I Candidates who wish to complete this course only to comply with this pre-requisite, and do not wish to become Emergency Services Instructor I Certified, are not required to take the written exam or complete the 30 hours of supervised study. This course can also be used to comply with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services requirements for certification as an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Instructor II.
This 40-hour course prepares the participant to perform firefighting supervisor functions at a minimum nationally recognized level. The targeted audience is individuals who have completed the training required to meet the Fire Fighter II JPRs of NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, Chapter 6, and desire, or are required to increase their knowledge and skills to progress to the Fire Officer I Level. Completion of the 40-hour Emergency Services Instructor I course is also required in order to become certified as Fire Officer I.
This course is designed to provide the Fire Officer I candidate with the information needed to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications, Chapter 4.
A written and practical skills certification exam is available to participants who successfully complete this course. A participant who completes this course and wishes to be certified has two years from the completion of the course to take the exam. Participants who successfully pass the certification exams will receive a State of Wisconsin Certificate with an IFSAC (International Fire Service Accreditation Congress) seal.
This 40-hour course prepares the participant to perform firefighting supervisor/manager functions at a minimum nationally recognized level. The targeted audience is individuals who have completed the training required to meet the Fire Officer I JPRs of NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, Chapter 4, and desire, or are required to increase their knowledge and skills to progress to the Fire Officer II Level.
This course is designed to provide the Fire Officer II candidate with the information needed to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications, Chapter 5..
A written and practical skills certification exam is available to participants who successfully complete this course. A participant who completes this course and wishes to be certified has two years from the completion of the course to take the exam. Participants who successfully pass the certification exams will receive a State of Wisconsin Certificate with an IFSAC (International Fire Service Accreditation Congress) seal.
Firefighter Safety and Survival / Rapid Intervention Teams
Course options include:
This hands-on course will examine situations that have proven tragic for other firefighters around the country. Students will learn “street smart” skills that will enable them to recognize these situations and prepare them to deal with the problems to a successful outcome. Students must bring turnout gear and SCBA.
Mayday events that require Rapid Intervention Team activations are often the most physically and emotionally demanding events in a firefighter’s career. This class will incorporate hands-on training on methods to locate and move down firefighters. Students will also learn and reinforce air management for rescuers and victims and mayday communication.
This course will identify the necessity of rapid intervention teams and give short-staffed departments options to implement RIT strategically for different tactical situations. Additionally, the course will look at what firefighters can do to avoid the "Mayday" as well as give company officers and incident commanders an idea of what to expect when the "Mayday" happens.
- This National Fire Academy class enables the student to fulfill the rigorous demands of the critical position of safety officer at all hazards type incidents. 16 hour course.
- This National Fire Academy class enables the student to fulfill the rigorous demands of the critical position of safety officer at all hazards type incidents. 16 hour course.
- Our maze will provide valuable practice for less experienced firefighters and can be modified to challenge the most seasoned veteran. Our experts will give personalized instruction on how to manipulate through a myriad of challenging obstacles.
Hazardous Materials
Our response courses are designed to meet the training requirements identified under NFPA 472. Course options include:
This 8 hour course prepares students to recognize the presence of hazardous materials and the need for trained personnel, to protect themselves and to safely secure the area.
A 16 hour class that introduces hazard identification, response planning and action plan implementation. Stresses the knowledge and skills necessary to keep responders, the public and the environment safe during hazardous materials incidents. See full course description in the Certification Courses section.
This advanced course prepares students to go beyond recognition and defensive actions to developing, implementing, evaluating, and terminating action plans at hazardous materials incidents. Skills covered in this class include using all levels of personal protective equipment, product sampling, spill control and clean-up procedures.
We offer annual refreshers for all skill levels. We adapt these classes to match the needs of area responders and to stay ahead of current response trends.
Our Fire Training Specialists will work with you to meet the unique requirements and needs of local industry.
Fireground tactics are dynamic and what is most relevant for departments may vary across the 11 county district. Our Fire Training Specialists will help match your department’s needs with the right classes. The courses outlined below are a sampling of what we can bring to your department.
- This class reviews recent research in fire behavior emphasizing the importance of flow-path. Tactical decision making is the focus of the classroom portion, and is reinforced by a dramatic demonstration of fire behavior in the hands on practical portion. Course is 8 hours.
- This class reviews recent research in fire behavior emphasizing the importance of flow-path. Tactical decision making is the focus of the classroom portion, and is reinforced by a dramatic demonstration of fire behavior in the hands on practical portion. Course is 8 hours.
- This course is designed to increase firefighter knowledge and skills in the pulling and advancement of hose lines while applying nozzle and hose handling skills. Students will also learn the proper procedures in applying the “Quick Hit” technique as well as “Quick Water” using an assortment of master stream appliances. Course is 8 hours.
- This course is designed to increase firefighter knowledge and skills in the pulling and advancement of hose lines while applying nozzle and hose handling skills. Students will also learn the proper procedures in applying the “Quick Hit” technique as well as “Quick Water” using an assortment of master stream appliances. Course is 8 hours.
- Scene size ups and decision on attack line selection are crucial in the first 5 minutes of any structure fire. Making the correct call and setting the tone of the incident will win or lose the battle on the fireground. Matching the fire with correct water application wins the battle every time. Course is 4 hours.
- Scene size ups and decision on attack line selection are crucial in the first 5 minutes of any structure fire. Making the correct call and setting the tone of the incident will win or lose the battle on the fireground. Matching the fire with correct water application wins the battle every time. Course is 4 hours.
- The National Fire Academy (NFA) provides courses focusing on initial company operations that Northwood Tech can bring to your community. Discuss these and other available NFA classes with your Fire Training Specialist.
- Our instructors will use our many unique training props to create a variety of search and rescue scenarios to reinforce skills and teach new techniques. This class incorporates search strategies with patient movement, air management and other fireground skills.
- Our instructors will use our many unique training props to create a variety of search and rescue scenarios to reinforce skills and teach new techniques. This class incorporates search strategies with patient movement, air management and other fireground skills.
- As a firefighter, we are trained to look at fire coming from a building. Before we see fire on the exterior of a structure, there is smoke. The goal of this course is to introduce the basic approach of “reading” smoke when arriving at a structure fire. You will learn the four concepts of smoke reading; Volume, Velocity, Color and Density. Understanding these concepts will help every firefighter and fire officer make better risk management decisions.
- As a firefighter, we are trained to look at fire coming from a building. Before we see fire on the exterior of a structure, there is smoke. The goal of this course is to introduce the basic approach of “reading” smoke when arriving at a structure fire. You will learn the four concepts of smoke reading; Volume, Velocity, Color and Density. Understanding these concepts will help every firefighter and fire officer make better risk management decisions.
- Today’s synthetic furnishings have decreased the time frame from ignition to flash over. The Blitz Attack combines overwhelming amounts of water application with aggressive rapid deployment tactics. This course addresses the need for “quick hits” in situations where staffing/personnel are limited. Hands-on components of the class will focus on the Blitz Monitor, Ground Monitor and 2-1/2” smoothbore hand line and will involve exterior and interior operations. Course length is 8 hours.
- Northwood Tech offers 4 hour and 8 hour vehicle fire courses, each addressing the challenges of fighting modern vehicle fires while incorporating tried and true skills and techniques. Hands on, live fire evolutions are included. Your Fire Training Specialist will help you select the right course for you.
- This class will utilize Northwood Tech’s live burn simulator. Students will review tactical objectives and safety concerns for the interior firefighter. Simulations will include attacks on basement fires, fires on multiple floors, proper placement of back-up lines and rapid primary searches.
Technical Rescue: Ice, Rope, Confined Space
Course options include:
Introduces students to the tools they will use for technical rope rescue. The use and care of ropes is addressed, as well as instruction and practice tying knots and building the fundamental mechanical advantage systems critical to technical rescue. Course is 4 hours.
Emergency responders can be challenged by incidents where steep slopes and dangerous terrain can hinder safe rescue operations. This course will identify what a low-angle rescue is and provide responders with a basic knowledge of rope rope rescue options for the low angle incident.
- Our 40 hour Operations Level and 24 hour Technician Level courses take you through the full spectrum of rope rescue, culminating in the advanced skills offered in the technician course. The successful student will be proficient in a myriad of high and low angle rescue scenarios.
- Our 40 hour Operations Level and 24 hour Technician Level courses take you through the full spectrum of rope rescue, culminating in the advanced skills offered in the technician course. The successful student will be proficient in a myriad of high and low angle rescue scenarios.
- Northwood Tech offers Awareness (4 hours), Operations (24 hours) and Technician (40 hours if stand-alone, or 16 hours for students already at Operations Level) training. Our confined space simulator and partnerships with local industry help us offer these classes under the most realistic conditions.
- The Fire Training Specialists will confer with you to bring to your organization the training your employees need to work safely. Courses vary in length from 4 to 16 hours.
- The Fire Training Specialists will confer with you to bring to your organization the training your employees need to work safely. Courses vary in length from 4 to 16 hours.
- This hands-on course will educate students on how to safely respond to incidents involving cold water and surface ice rescue. Safety precautions for responders and care of patients will be reviewed. Each student will have the opportunity to perform a simulated rescue under life-like conditions. Course length is 8 hours.
- This hands-on course will educate students on how to safely respond to incidents involving cold water and surface ice rescue. Safety precautions for responders and care of patients will be reviewed. Each student will have the opportunity to perform a simulated rescue under life-like conditions. Course length is 8 hours.
- Information originally taught in the full Ice Rescue Surface class will be reviewed and students will have the opportunity to sharpen their skills with a simulated rescue. Course length is 4 hours.
- Information originally taught in the full Ice Rescue Surface class will be reviewed and students will have the opportunity to sharpen their skills with a simulated rescue. Course length is 4 hours.
- Northwood Tech offers two 4 hour Ice Rescue courses that do not take students on to the surface of the ice or into the water. The first teaches to the NFPA 1006 standard for Ice Rescue Awareness Level and the second focuses on support functions that can be provided form shore. Discuss your needs with the Fire Training Specialist.
- Vehicle Extrication
- Course options include:
- Students will review topics such as vehicle anatomy, scene safety, stabilization, basic and advanced rescue techniques, supplemental restraint systems and new vehicle technology. Hands-on is emphasized with majority of class time on the training ground giving students as much “tool time” as possible. Course length is 24 hours.
- This introductory course will divide time between classroom and the training ground to provide students with a foundation of extrication knowledge and skill. Course length is 6 hours.
- This introductory course will divide time between classroom and the training ground to provide students with a foundation of extrication knowledge and skill. Course length is 6 hours.
- This class will teach basic bus extrication techniques, bus anatomy, patient removal and how to safely apply these techniques in a practical training evolution.
- This class will teach basic bus extrication techniques, bus anatomy, patient removal and how to safely apply these techniques in a practical training evolution.
- Feel like there is a unique need in your area? Talk to your Fire Training Manager and they’ll help develop the class that will work for you.
- Students will review topics such as vehicle anatomy, scene safety, stabilization, basic and advanced rescue techniques, supplemental restraint systems and new vehicle technology. Hands-on is emphasized with majority of class time on the training ground giving students as much “tool time” as possible. Course length is 24 hours.
- Course options include:
Helpful Links
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Receive news and updates about upcoming firefighting and technical rescue training opportunities.
Wisconsin State Firefighters Association
Resources and information for those involved with firefighting in Wisconsin.
Northwood Technical College System-Fire Service
Information regarding WTCS courses and training requirements.