Welding Required Courses

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New Richmond
Rice Lake

Welding (Spring 2025 - Term 2 - Evening)

Suggested Course List

Welding (Spring 2025 - Term 2 - Evening)

Suggested Course List

Welding (Spring 2025 - Term 2)

Suggested Course List

Welding (Spring 2025 - Term 2)

Suggested Course List

Welding (Spring 2025 - Term 2)

Suggested Course List

Welding (Spring 2025 - Term 2)

Suggested Course List

Welding Pathway Required Courses


Welding Pathway Required Courses


Program Courses

| 2 CR
Orthographic projection, sketching, dimensioning, section and auxiliary views, structural shape identification, weld symbols, welding symbol nomenclature, welded joint geometry, metric conversion, and interpretation of fabrications from prints.
| 3 CR
This course introduces the student to the basics of metal fabrication including the use of layout tools and principles, and blueprint interpretation. Also, weldment fit-up, tacking, distortion, and flame straightening are covered. The use of shears, drilling, taping, painting, and CNC cutting equipment for fabrication purposes is also covered. PREREQUISITES: 31442321 Print Reading - Welding Trades, 31442370 Gas Metal Arc Welding 1, 31442373 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 1, 31442374 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2, 31442376 Oxyfuel & Arc Cutting Processes, and COREQUISITE: 31442375 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 3.
| 3 CR
This course introduces the student to the basics of GMAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques.
| 2 CR
This course introduces the student to the next level of GMAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442370 Gas Metal Arc Welding 1.
| 1 CR
This course introduces the student to an advanced level of GMAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442371 Gas Metal Arc Welding 2.
| 3 CR
This course introduces the student to the basics of SMAW welding. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized when welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard welding techniques.
| 2 CR
This course introduces the student to the next level of SMAW welding. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized when welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard welding techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442373 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 1.
| 2 CR
This course introduces the student to an advanced level of SMAW welding. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in SMAW welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard welding techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442374 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2.
| 2 CR
This course introduces the student to the basics of cutting and gouging operations. It includes the study of the common processes, techniques, and equipment utilized when cutting and gouging. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in the use of carbon steel, stainless steel, and aluminum.
| 2 CR
This course introduces the student to the basics of FCAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques.
| 2 CR
This course introduces the student to the next level of FCAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442377 Flux Cored Arc Welding 1.
| 2 CR
This course introduces the student to the basics of GTAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442380 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2.
| 2 CR
This course introduces the student to the next level of GTAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing the standard industry techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442379 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 1.

General Education Courses

| 2 CR
This basic communication course focuses on effective listening, speaking, reading, and writing in life and at work. Students demonstrate their skills both individually and in groups. Students also produce such employment documents as a cover letter, a resume, and a preliminary job portfolio.
| 2 CR
This course covers practical applications of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percent, proportion, and formula evaluation. The course also includes measurement, U.S. and metric systems of measurement, and basic geometry.

Total Credits: 32


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New Richmond Admissions Contact

Sherry Rehnelt

Admissions Advisor



Superior Admissions Contact

Anna Kalin

Admissions Advisor



Rice Lake Admissions Contact

Nicole Messicci

Admissions Advisor



Ashland Admissions Contact

Jennifer Bednarik

Admissions Advisor



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