Digital credentials are fast becoming THE CURRENCY OF CHOICE in an international marketplace of KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS.

Northwood Tech's 1st digital badge recipients - Business Essentials badge earned in Business Management program
Digital Badge Info
- What are digital badges?
- A digital badge is a verified achievement indicator of accomplishment, skill quality or interest that can be earned in various learning environments.
- Northwood Tech awards the badges through a national company, Credly, which certifies the authenticity.
- When a student claims their badge, it can then be linked to their social media profiles or featured on employment applications, portfolios and websites.
- Digital badges can also be used as talking points during job interviews and provide the badge recipient a way to stand out from other candidates.
- To check out a list of programs that offer digital badging, head over to view our Degree Programs and Certificates page and look for this
digital badge symbol.
- How is displaying my badge useful?
- Your digital badge is a verified achievement indicator of accomplishment, skill, quality or interest that can be earned in various learning environments.
- Take credit for your abilities while increasing your chances of being noticed by potential employers and colleges by displaying your badge on Linkedin, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), digital portfolio sites and other online destinations to showcase your specific skills.
- Your badge(s) show a commitment to growth and learning.
- Why use digital badges?
- The viral marketing impact is ENORMOUS:
- Elevate yourself on resumes
- Broadcast achievements on college scholarship applications and essays
- Develop your personal brand
- Increase your visibility
- The viral marketing impact is ENORMOUS:
"I have something to show, and I'm only a quarter of the way done with a two-year program. It makes me feel like I'm doing a good job, and it's just something to show that my hard work is being acknowledged." ~ Pierson Goodreau, Northwood Tech digital badge recipient